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      19911998年就讀于重慶大學(xué)獲學(xué)士及碩士學(xué)位,2001年畢業(yè)于中科院工程熱物理研究所獲博士學(xué)位。20021月至20127月先后工作于德國Mainz微技術(shù)研究所、葡萄牙Aveiro大學(xué)機械工程系、加拿大New Brunswick大學(xué)機械工程系、美國Pennsylvania州立大學(xué)機械工程系電化學(xué)引擎中心(Electrochemical Engine Center, ECEC)201011月起工作于中國科學(xué)院廣州能源研究所至今。主要從事新能源開(kāi)發(fā)及應用過(guò)程中相關(guān)工程熱物理的關(guān)鍵科學(xué)和技術(shù)問(wèn)題的研究。近年來(lái)主持863課題、973子課題等項目20余項,已發(fā)表雜志論文100余篇,SCI收錄約60余篇;總引用約800次;為3本專(zhuān)著(zhù)撰寫(xiě)獨立章節;申請發(fā)明專(zhuān)利28項(授權11項)、登記獲授軟件著(zhù)作權17項。 



     社會(huì )任職:



      70.  Fangming Jiang*, Peng Peng. Elucidating the Performance Limitations of Lithium-ion Batteries due to Species and Charge Transport through Five Characteristic Parameters, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(32639):1-18. 

      69. Wenjiong Cao, Wenbo Huang, Fangming Jiang*. Numerical study on 

      variable thermophysical properties of heat transfer fluid affecting EGS heat extraction, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 92: 1205-1217. 

      68. Wenjiong Cao, Wenbo Huang, Fangming Jiang*. A novel thermal–hydraulic–mechanical model for the enhanced geothermal system heat extraction, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016,100:661-671. 

      67.  Peng Peng, Fangming Jiang*. Thermal safety of lithium-ion batteries with various cathode materials:A numerical study, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,103: 1008-1016. 

      66.  Yiwei Wang, Jiwen Cen, Fangming Jiang*, Wenjiong Cao, Jiang Guo. LHP heat transfer performance: A comparison study about sintered copper powder wick and copper mesh wick, Applied Thermal Engineering,2016,92: 104-110. 

      65.  Wang Chen, Fangming Jiang*. Impact of PTFE content and distribution on Liquid-gas flow in PEMFC carbon paper gas distribution layer: 3D lattice Boltzmann simulations,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41: 8550-8562. 

      64.  Yiwei Wang, Jianxing Zhang, Jiwen Cen, Fangming Jiang*. A feasibility study about using SiO2nanofluid screen mesh wick heat pipe for cooling of high-power LEDs, Heat Transfer Engineering,2016,37(9): 741-750. 

      63.  Shaoyang He, Jianbang Zeng, Bereket Tsegai Habte, Fangming Jiang*. Numerical reconstruction of microstructure of graphite anode of lithium-ion battery, Science Bulletin,2016,61(8): 656-664. 

      62.  Shaoyang He, Bereket Tsegai Habte, Fangming Jiang*. LBM prediction of effective electric and species transport properties of lithium-ion battery graphite anode, Solid State Ionics,2016,296: 146-153. 

      61.  Jiliang Chen, Fangming Jiang*. A numerical study of EGS heat extraction process based on a thermal non-equilibrium model for heat transfer in subsurface porous heat reservoir, Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,52: 255-267. 

      60. 曾建邦,蔣方明*,胡安杰,李隆鍵. 基于偽勢格子Boltzmann模型修正PR狀態(tài)方程, 計算力學(xué)學(xué)報,2016,33(1): 83-88. 

      59. 陳旺,蔣方明*,PEMFC氣體擴散層內PTFE含量及分布對氣液兩相流影響的LBM研究,工程熱物理學(xué)報,2016,37(7): 1475-1483.  

      58. 陳繼良, 黃文博, 曹文炅, 蔣方明*.增強型地熱系統中液-巖化學(xué)作用數值模擬研究,新能源進(jìn)展,2016,4(1): 48-55.  

      57. 李志斌,岑繼文,彭鵬, 蔣方明*.圓柱形鋰離子電池熱管理實(shí)驗研究, 新能源進(jìn)展,2016,4(4): 305-311.  

      56. 吳偉,陳旺,蔣方明*. PEMFC碳紙氣體擴散層內氣液兩相流格子Boltzmann模擬, 新能源進(jìn)展,2016,4(5): 351-357.  

      55. 鄒春妹,岑繼文,劉培, 蔣方明*.跨臨界二氧化碳熱泵噴射循環(huán)實(shí)驗, 化工學(xué)報,2016,67(4): 1521-1526.  

      54. Jian Guo, Yuexiang Yan, Wei Liu, Fangming Jiang*, Aiwu Fan. Enhancement of laminar convective heat transfer relying on excitation of transverse secondary swirl flow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2015,87: 199-206. 

      53.  Peng Peng, Fangming Jiang*. Thermal behavior analyses of stacked prismatic LiCoO2 lithium-ion batteries during oven tests, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,88:411-423. 

      52. Jiliang Chen, Fangming Jiang*. Designing multi-well layout for enhanced geothermal system to better exploit hot dry rock geothermal energy, Renewable Energy,2015,74: 37-48. 

      51. Yiwei Wang, Jiwen Cen, Fangming Jiang*. An Experimental Study on the Performance of a Loop Heat Pipe, Experimental Heat Transfer,2015,8(1):1-8. 

      50. Wenjiong Cao, Zhaoyao Zhou, Fangming Jiang*. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling of Foundry Filling Process, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015,25: 2321-2330. 

      49. 何邵陽(yáng),曾建邦,蔣方明*. 鋰離子電池石墨負極微結構數值重建及特征化分析,無(wú)機材料學(xué)報,2015,30(9): 907-912. 

      48.王亦偉,岑繼文,蔣方明*, 劉培. 沖液量對回路熱管性能的研究,光電子.激光,2015,26(4): 677-681. 

      47. 羅良,曹文炅,蔣方明*. 增強型地熱系統采熱的分形分叉網(wǎng)絡(luò )模型, 工程熱物理學(xué)報,2015,36(2): 389-392.  

      46. 孫憶瓊, 彭鵬, 蔣方明*. 不同正極材料鋰離子電池烤箱熱濫用數值模擬研究, 電源技術(shù), 2015,139(6): 1165-1170. 

      45. 曹文炅, 岑繼文, 蔣方明*. 工質(zhì)變物性對EGS熱開(kāi)采過(guò)程影響的數值模擬研究,吉林大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2015,45(4): 1181-1188.  

      44. 曹文炅, 黃文博, 蔣方明*. 地下熱流固耦合對 EGS熱開(kāi)采的影響, 新能源進(jìn)展,2015,3(6): 445-451. 

      43. 彭鵬, 孫憶瓊, 蔣方明*. 池烤箱熱濫用模擬及熱行為分析, 化工學(xué)報, 2014, 65(2): 647-657. 

      42. Fangming Jiang*, Jiliang Chen, Wenbo Huang, Liang Luo. A three-dimensional transient model for EGS subsurface thermohydraulic process, Energy, 2014, 72: 300-310.  

      41. Jianbang Zeng, Fangming Jiang*, Zhi Chen. A pore-scale smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for ithiumion atteries, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(23):2793-2810.  

      40. Yiwei Wang, Jiwen Cen*, Fangming Jiang*, Xiong Zhu. An Experimental Study on the Performance of a Stainless Steel-Water Loop Heat Pipe under Natural Cooling Condition, Journal of Thermal Science, 2014, 23(1):91-95.  

      39. Peng Peng, Yiqiong Sun, Fangming Jiang*. Thermal analyses of LiCoO 2 lithium-ion battery during oven tests, Heat Mass Transfer, 2014,50(10):1405-1416.  

      38. Wei Wu, Fangming Jiang*. Microstructure reconstruction and characterization of PEMFC electrodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014,39:15894-15906.  

      37. Yiwei Wang, Jiwen Cen, Fangming Jiang*. An Experimental Study on the Performance of a Loop Heat Pipe, Experimental Heat Transfer, 2015,28(1): 1-8. 

      36. 吳偉, 蔣方明*, 曾建邦. LiCoO2電池正極微結構模擬退火重構及傳輸物性預測, 物理學(xué)報, 2014, 63(4): 201-212.  

      35. Wei Wu, Fangming Jiang*, Microstructure reconstruction and characterization of PEMFC electrodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014,39:15894-15906.  

      34. Jianbang Zeng, Wei Wu, Fangming Jiang*, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics prediction of effective transport coefficients of lithium-ion battery electrodes, Solid State Ionics, 2014,260:76-85.  

      33. 劉培, 蔣方明*, 岑繼文. 異丙醇/丙酮/氫氣化學(xué)熱泵的熱力學(xué)研究, 太陽(yáng)能學(xué)報, 2014, 35(5): 809-813. 

      32. 黃文博, 陳繼良, 蔣方明*. 熱儲分層影響 EGS 采熱的數值模擬研究, 新能源進(jìn), 2014, 2(4): 295-304. 

      31. 郭劍, 王亦偉, 曹文炅, 蔣方明*.增強型地熱系統水力壓裂與雙井連通實(shí)驗仿真研究, 新能源進(jìn)展, 2014, 2(6):1-7. 

      30. 郭劍, 陳繼良, 曹文炅, 蔣方明*. 增強型地熱系統研究綜述, 電力建設, 2014, 35(4):10-24. 

      29. Fangming Jiang*, Chaoyang Wang. Numerical modeling of liquid water motion in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 942-950.
      28. Fangming Jiang*, Peng Peng, Yiqiong Sun. Thermal analyses of LiFePO4/graphite battery discharge processes. Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 243: 181-194.
      27. Wei Wu, Fangming Jiang*. Simulated annealing reconstruction and characterization of the three-dimensional microstructure of a LiCoO2 lithium-ion battery cathode, Materials Characterization, 2013, 80: 62-68.
      26. Wei Wu, Fangming Jiang*. Simulated annealing reconstruction and characterization of a LiCoO2 lithium-ion battery cathode, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58: 4692-4695.
      25. Jian Guo, Yuexiang Yan, Wei Liu, Fangming Jiang*, Aiwu Fan*. Effects of upwind area of tube inserts on heat transfer and flow resistance characteristics of turbulent flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 48: 147-155.
      24. Fangming Jiang*, Liang Luo, Jiliang Chen. A novel three-dimensional transient model for subsurface heat exchange in enhanced geothermal systems, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 41: 57-62.
      23. Jiwen Cen, Pei Liu, Fangming Jiang. A novel transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle with two ejector, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2012, 35: 2233-2239.
      22. Zhiqiang Dong, Jinliang Xu, Fangming Jiang, Pei Liu. Numerical study of vapor bubble effect on flow and heat transfer in microchannel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2012, 54: 22-32.
      21. Zhiqiang Dong, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Fangming Jiang*, “Lattice Boltzmann computations of transport processes in complex hydrodynamics systems”, In: “Hydrodynamics - Optimizing Methods and Tools”, InTech Press, 2011. (Book Chapter)
      20. Fangming Jiang* and Antonio C.M. Sousa, “SPH – a versatile multiphysics modeling tool” in: “Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer”, Edited by R. Amano and B. Sunden, WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 2011. (Book Chapter)
      19. Fangming Jiang, Chao-yang Wang, and Ken S. Chen, Current ramping? a strategy for rapid start-up of PEM fuel cells from subfreezing environment, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157: B342-347.
      18. Ashis Nandy, Fangming Jiang, Shanhai Ge, Chao-yang Wang, and Ken S. Chen, Effect of cathode pore volume on PEM fuel cell cold start, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157: B726-736.
      17. Fangming Jiang* and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation of effective thermal conductivity in porous media of various pore structures, Journal of Porous Media, 2010, 13: 951.
      16. Fangming Jiang, and Chao-yang Wang, Potentiostatic start-up of PEMFCs from subzero temperatures, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 2008, 155 (7): B743-751.
      15. Fangming Jiang* and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of transverse flow in randomly aligned fibrous porous media, Transport in Porous Media, 2008, 75: 17-33.
      14. Fangming Jiang, Weifeng Fang and Chao-yang Wang, Non-isothermal cold start of polymer electrolyte fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2007, 53: 610-621.
      13. Antonio C.M. Sousa and Fangming Jiang*, SPH as an inverse numerical tool for the prediction of diffusive properties in porous media, Material Science Forum, 2007, 553: 171-189.
      12. Fangming Jiang* and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous multi-component materials ??an SPH implementation, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2007, 43: 479-491.
      11. Fangming Jiang*, Monica C.A. Oliveira and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Mesoscale SPH modeling of fluid flow in isotropic porous media, Computer Physics Communications, 2007, 176: 471-480.
      10. Fangming Jiang*, Monica C.A. Oliveira and Antonio C.M. Sousa, SPH simulation of transition to turbulence for planar shear flow subjected to a streamwise magnetic field, Journal of Computational Physics, 2006, 217: 485-501.
      9. Fangming Jiang* and Antonio C.M. Sousa, SPH numerical modeling for ballistic-diffusive heat conduction, Numerical Heat Transfer B, 2006, 50: 499-515.
      8. Fangming Jiang*, Solution and analysis of hyperbolic heat propagation in hollow spherical objects. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2006, 42: 1083-1091.
      7. Fangming Jiang* and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Analytical solution for hyperbolic heat conduction in a hollow sphere, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2005, 19(4): 595-598.
      6. Fangming Jiang*, Monica C.A. Oliveira and Antonio C.M. Sousa, SPH simulation of low Reynolds number planar shear flow and heat convection, Materials Science and Engineering technology, 2005, 36(10): 613-619.
      5. S. Hardt, Fangming Jiang and F. Schoenfeld, A computational analysis of the hydrodynamic instability of a liquid jet focused into a converging microchannel, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 2005, 31(6): 739-756.
      4. Fangming Jiang, K. S. Drese, S. Hardt, M. Kupper and F. Schoenfeld, Helical flows and chaotic mixing in curved micro- channels, AIChE Journal, 2004, 50(9): 2297-2305.
      3. Fangming Jiang, Dengying Liu and Jianhua Zhou, Non-Fourier heat conduction phenomena in porous material heated by microsecond laser pulse, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2002, 6(4): 331-346.
      2. Fangming Jiang and Dengying Liu, “Transient heat and mass transfer in humid porous material heated by microsecond rectangular pulsed energy source of very high power density” in: “Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow”, Edited by H. Power and C. A. Brebbia, WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 2001. (Book Chapter)
      1. Fangming Jiang, Dengying Liu and Ruixian Cai, Theoretical analysis and experimental evidence of non-Fourier heat conduction behavior, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2001, 9(4): 359-368.


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